Our Magazine

Each month, Sports Pilot produce a recreational aviation magazine for pilots, enthusiasts and industry professionals.

Each issue we will provide links for free review.


Review Archive

Pilots Stories

Can't make it to an airfield but would love to hear from Pilots themselves?

Here you'll find some stories from Pilots both new and old along with their passengers, riding gunshot without actually getting in the air.


Read All Stories

Learn to Fly

Want to buy a Powerchute but not sure where to get your Pilot Certificate?

Here is a list of known and recognised flying instructors all over Australia.


Ready to suit up?


There are so many types of Powerchutes available in the market but only few are available in Australia. Some opt to design and build their own or have others co-build for them. some are built locally and some are imported.

If you'd like to learn what's out there before you hand over your hard earned folding, here is the best place to start.

Choose your aircraft!

A Place to Fly

The biggest issue for many PPC enthusiasts is; where can I fly?

Our aim is to align like-minded individuals of enthusiasts and property owners to share the same airspace.

Ready to Clear-Prop?

Let's Go!


Flying a Powerchute is governed by RA-Aus (Recreational Aviation Australia). Here you can research and learn about what's involved to keep up to date with regulations when flying.

Learn where to fly and discover documents etc.


Study Time!